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extremely unpleasant

  • 1 пренеприятный

    General subject: extremely unpleasant

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > пренеприятный

  • 2 П-308

    ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ХУЖЕ ГУБЕРНАТОРСКОГО obsoles, coll, humor VP subj. with бытьв usu. pres fixed WO
    the situation is extremely unpleasant, difficult etc
    this is (things are in) a fine mess
    it's about as bad as it can get s.o. is up the creek (without a paddle).
    According to academician Viktor Vinogradov, «губернатор» is an old term from horse-breeding jargon for a male horse that was used to excite a mare before she was mated with a stallion of good breeding. He points out, though, that 19th-cent. writers assumed the phrase to be based on the office of a "governor," the common meaning of «губернатор».

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-308

  • 3 положение хуже губернаторского

    [VPsubj with быть; usu. pres; fixed WO]
    the situation is extremely unpleasant, difficult etc:
    - s.o. is up the creek (without a paddle).
    ← According to academician Viktor Vinogradov, "губернатор" is an old term from horse-breeding jargon for a male horse that was used to excite a mare before she was mated with a stallion of good breeding. He points out, though, that 19th-cent. writers assumed the phrase to be based on the office of a "governor," the common meaning of "губернатор".

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > положение хуже губернаторского

  • 4 нож острый

    [nozh ostry] A sharp knife. Something extremely unpleasant or painful; something is the source of annoyance, grief, etc. Cf. Gall and wormwood; this is sheer agony/hell.

    Русские фразеологизмы в картинках (русско-английский словарь) > нож острый

  • 5 П-196

    ПОЖИНАТЬ/ПОЖАТЬ ПЛОДЫ (чего) lit ВКУШАТЬ/ВКУСИТЬ ПЛОДЫ elev VP subj: humanl to enjoy the results (or, in ironic usage, face the unpleasant repercussions) of sth. done, accomplished, achieved
    X пожинает плоды Y-a - X reaps the fruit(s) (the benefits) of Y
    X reaps his reward (in refer, to unpleasant repercussions only) X reaps the consequences of Y X has to live with the consequences of Y X пожинает плоды чужого труда = X reaps the fruit(s) of another' labor(s) X reaps where he hasn't sown.
    (Глумов:) Вы видите, что мне некогда, год я должен сердобольно ухаживать за больной, а потом могу пожинать плоды трудов своих... (Островский 4). (G..) You see, I haven't any time to lose For a year I must watch over my invalid tenderly, but afterwards I can reap the fruits of my labors... (4a).
    Явившись тогда с визитом к Раскольникову, он вошел с чувством благодетеля, готовящегося пожать плоды и выслушать весьма сладкие комплименты (Достоевский 3). When paying а visit to Raskolnikov that time he had gone there feeling like a benefactor, prepared to reap his reward and to listen to a series of extremely sweet compliments (3a).
    Вы видите, когда нужно действовать решительно и твердо, правительство ограничивается полумерами... Что же... будет время - пожнут плоды своей политики полумер» (Шолохов 3). "As you see, when firm and resolute action is needed, the government confines itself to half-measures... Well, the time will come when they will reap the consequences of their policy of half-measures" (3a).
    Он и тогда это понимал, и тогда почувствовал, что совершил ошибку, теперь пожинает ее плоды (Рыбаков 2). He'd realized it then-he'd sensed that he'd made a mistake - and now he was having to live with its consequences (2a).
    The variant вкушать/вкусить плоды is related to the Biblical «вкушать плоды дел своих», "eat the fruit of their doings" (Isa. 3:10).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-196

  • 6 вкусить плоды

    [VP; subj: humanl to enjoy the results (or, in ironic usage, face the unpleasant repercussions) of sth. done, accomplished, achieved: X пожинает плоды Y-a X reaps the fruit(s) (the benefits) of Y; X reaps his reward; [in refer, to unpleasant repercussions only]
    X reaps the consequences of Y; X has to live with the consequences of Y; || X пожинает плоды чужого труда X reaps the fruit(s) of another's labor(s); X reaps where he hasn't sown.
         ♦ [Глумов:] Вы видите, что мне некогда, год я должен сердобольно ухаживать за больной, а потом могу пожинать плоды трудов своих... (Островский 4). [G..] You see, I haven't any time to lose For a year I must watch over my invalid tenderly, but afterwards I can reap the fruits of my labors... (4a).
         ♦ Явившись тогда с визитом к Раскольникову, он вошел с чувством благодетеля, готовящегося пожать плоды и выслушать весьма сладкие комплименты (Достоевский 3). When paying a visit to Raskolnikov that time he had gone there feeling like a benefactor, prepared to reap his reward and to listen to a series of extremely sweet compliments (3a).
         ♦ "Вы видите, когда нужно действовать решительно и твердо, правительство ограничивается полумерами... Что же... будет время - пожнут плоды своей политики полумер" (Шолохов 3). "As you see, when firm and resolute action is needed, the government confines itself to halfmeasures... Well, the time will come when they will reap the consequences of their policy of half-measures" (3a).
         ♦ Он и тогда это понимал, и тогда почувствовал, что совершил ошибку, теперь пожинает ее плоды (Рыбаков 2). He'd realized it then-he'd sensed that he'd made a mistake - and now he was having to live with its consequences (2a).
    ← The variant вкушать/вкусить плоды is related to the Biblical "вкушать плоды дел своих", "eat the fruit of their doings" (Isa. 3:10).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > вкусить плоды

  • 7 вкушать плоды

    [VP; subj: humanl to enjoy the results (or, in ironic usage, face the unpleasant repercussions) of sth. done, accomplished, achieved: X пожинает плоды Y-a X reaps the fruit(s) (the benefits) of Y; X reaps his reward; [in refer, to unpleasant repercussions only]
    X reaps the consequences of Y; X has to live with the consequences of Y; || X пожинает плоды чужого труда X reaps the fruit(s) of another's labor(s); X reaps where he hasn't sown.
         ♦ [Глумов:] Вы видите, что мне некогда, год я должен сердобольно ухаживать за больной, а потом могу пожинать плоды трудов своих... (Островский 4). [G..] You see, I haven't any time to lose For a year I must watch over my invalid tenderly, but afterwards I can reap the fruits of my labors... (4a).
         ♦ Явившись тогда с визитом к Раскольникову, он вошел с чувством благодетеля, готовящегося пожать плоды и выслушать весьма сладкие комплименты (Достоевский 3). When paying a visit to Raskolnikov that time he had gone there feeling like a benefactor, prepared to reap his reward and to listen to a series of extremely sweet compliments (3a).
         ♦ "Вы видите, когда нужно действовать решительно и твердо, правительство ограничивается полумерами... Что же... будет время - пожнут плоды своей политики полумер" (Шолохов 3). "As you see, when firm and resolute action is needed, the government confines itself to halfmeasures... Well, the time will come when they will reap the consequences of their policy of half-measures" (3a).
         ♦ Он и тогда это понимал, и тогда почувствовал, что совершил ошибку, теперь пожинает ее плоды (Рыбаков 2). He'd realized it then-he'd sensed that he'd made a mistake - and now he was having to live with its consequences (2a).
    ← The variant вкушать/вкусить плоды is related to the Biblical "вкушать плоды дел своих", "eat the fruit of their doings" (Isa. 3:10).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > вкушать плоды

  • 8 пожать плоды

    [VP; subj: humanl to enjoy the results (or, in ironic usage, face the unpleasant repercussions) of sth. done, accomplished, achieved: X пожинает плоды Y-a X reaps the fruit(s) (the benefits) of Y; X reaps his reward; [in refer, to unpleasant repercussions only]
    X reaps the consequences of Y; X has to live with the consequences of Y; || X пожинает плоды чужого труда X reaps the fruit(s) of another's labor(s); X reaps where he hasn't sown.
         ♦ [Глумов:] Вы видите, что мне некогда, год я должен сердобольно ухаживать за больной, а потом могу пожинать плоды трудов своих... (Островский 4). [G..] You see, I haven't any time to lose For a year I must watch over my invalid tenderly, but afterwards I can reap the fruits of my labors... (4a).
         ♦ Явившись тогда с визитом к Раскольникову, он вошел с чувством благодетеля, готовящегося пожать плоды и выслушать весьма сладкие комплименты (Достоевский 3). When paying a visit to Raskolnikov that time he had gone there feeling like a benefactor, prepared to reap his reward and to listen to a series of extremely sweet compliments (3a).
         ♦ "Вы видите, когда нужно действовать решительно и твердо, правительство ограничивается полумерами... Что же... будет время - пожнут плоды своей политики полумер" (Шолохов 3). "As you see, when firm and resolute action is needed, the government confines itself to halfmeasures... Well, the time will come when they will reap the consequences of their policy of half-measures" (3a).
         ♦ Он и тогда это понимал, и тогда почувствовал, что совершил ошибку, теперь пожинает ее плоды (Рыбаков 2). He'd realized it then-he'd sensed that he'd made a mistake - and now he was having to live with its consequences (2a).
    ← The variant вкушать/вкусить плоды is related to the Biblical "вкушать плоды дел своих", "eat the fruit of their doings" (Isa. 3:10).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пожать плоды

  • 9 пожинать плоды

    [VP; subj: humanl to enjoy the results (or, in ironic usage, face the unpleasant repercussions) of sth. done, accomplished, achieved: X пожинает плоды Y-a X reaps the fruit(s) (the benefits) of Y; X reaps his reward; [in refer, to unpleasant repercussions only]
    X reaps the consequences of Y; X has to live with the consequences of Y; || X пожинает плоды чужого труда X reaps the fruit(s) of another's labor(s); X reaps where he hasn't sown.
         ♦ [Глумов:] Вы видите, что мне некогда, год я должен сердобольно ухаживать за больной, а потом могу пожинать плоды трудов своих... (Островский 4). [G..] You see, I haven't any time to lose For a year I must watch over my invalid tenderly, but afterwards I can reap the fruits of my labors... (4a).
         ♦ Явившись тогда с визитом к Раскольникову, он вошел с чувством благодетеля, готовящегося пожать плоды и выслушать весьма сладкие комплименты (Достоевский 3). When paying a visit to Raskolnikov that time he had gone there feeling like a benefactor, prepared to reap his reward and to listen to a series of extremely sweet compliments (3a).
         ♦ "Вы видите, когда нужно действовать решительно и твердо, правительство ограничивается полумерами... Что же... будет время - пожнут плоды своей политики полумер" (Шолохов 3). "As you see, when firm and resolute action is needed, the government confines itself to halfmeasures... Well, the time will come when they will reap the consequences of their policy of half-measures" (3a).
         ♦ Он и тогда это понимал, и тогда почувствовал, что совершил ошибку, теперь пожинает ее плоды (Рыбаков 2). He'd realized it then-he'd sensed that he'd made a mistake - and now he was having to live with its consequences (2a).
    ← The variant вкушать/вкусить плоды is related to the Biblical "вкушать плоды дел своих", "eat the fruit of their doings" (Isa. 3:10).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пожинать плоды

  • 10 Н-186

    НА НОЖАХ с кем coll PrepP subj compl with бытье (subj: human if there is no prep obj, subj: pi) one is on extremely hostile terms with s.o.: X с Y-ом на ножах - X and Y are at loggerheads (at daggers drawn, at swords' points) X is bitterly at odds with Y.
    ...Коновницын нахмурился частью от головной усилившейся боли, частью от неприятной, пришедшей ему в голову мысли о том, как теперь взволнуется всё это гнездо штабных, влиятельных людей при этом известии, в особенности Бе-нигсен, после Тарутина бывший на ножах с Кутузовым... (Толстой 7)....Konovnitsyn frowned-partly from an increased pain in his head and partly at the unpleasant thought that occurred to him, of how all that nest of influential men on the staff would be stirred up by this news, especially Bennigsen, who ever since Tarutino had been at daggers drawn with Kutuzov... (7b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Н-186

  • 11 на ножах

    [PrepP; subj compl with быть (subj: human); if there is no prep obj, subj: pi]
    one is on extremely hostile terms with s.o.:
    - X с Y-ом на ножах X and Y are at loggerheads (at daggers drawn, at swords' points);
    - X is bitterly at odds with Y.
         ♦...Коновницын нахмурился частью от головной усилившейся боли, частью от неприятной, пришедшей ему в голову мысли о том, как теперь взволнуется всё это гнездо штабных, влиятельных людей при этом известии, в особенности Бенигсен, после Тарутина бывший на ножах с Кутузовым... (Толстой 7)....Konovnitsyn frowned-partly from an increased pain in his head and partly at the unpleasant thought that occurred to him, of how all that nest of influential men on the staff would be stirred up by this news, especially Bennigsen, who ever since Tarutino had been at daggers drawn with Kutuzov... (7b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на ножах

См. также в других словарях:

  • unpleasant — adj. VERBS ▪ be, feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste ▪ become, get, turn …   Collocations dictionary

  • unpleasant — un|pleas|ant [ʌnˈplezənt] adj 1.) not pleasant or enjoyable ▪ an unpleasant experience ▪ an extremely unpleasant smell ▪ an unpleasant surprise 2.) not kind or friendly ≠ ↑nice ▪ He said some very unpleasant things. ▪ a thoroughly unpleasant man… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • unpleasant — adjective 1 not pleasant or enjoyable: the unpleasant side effects of the drug | an unpleasant surprise 2 not kind and friendly: Our neighbours are extremely unpleasant. unpleasantly adverb …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • extremely — adverb 1. to a high degree or extent; favorably or with much respect (Freq. 11) highly successful He spoke highly of her does not think highly of his writing extremely interesting • Syn: ↑highly …   Useful english dictionary

  • extremely — adv. Extremely is used with these adjectives: ↑able, ↑abstract, ↑abusive, ↑accurate, ↑active, ↑adaptable, ↑addictive, ↑adept, ↑advanced, ↑advantageous, ↑afraid, ↑ …   Collocations dictionary

  • Odor — Aroma redirects here. For other uses, see Aroma (disambiguation). Allegory of the senses by Jan Brueghel the Elder, Museo del Prado An odor or odour is caused by one or more volatilized chemical compounds, generally at a very low concentration,… …   Wikipedia

  • hell — [[t]he̱l[/t]] ♦♦♦ hells 1) N PROPER; N COUNT In some religions, hell is the place where the Devil lives, and where wicked people are sent to be punished when they die. Hell is usually imagined as being under the ground and full of flames. 2) N… …   English dictionary

  • sensory reception, human — Introduction  means by which humans react to changes in external and internal environments.   Ancient philosophers called the human senses “the windows of the soul,” and Aristotle described at least five senses sight, hearing, smell, taste, and… …   Universalium

  • hell — hell1 [ hel ] noun uncount *** 1. ) Hell in some religions, the place where bad people are sent to suffer for ever when they die. The place where good people go is called Heaven. 2. ) a situation that is extremely unpleasant: It s been hell… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • ugly — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. repulsive (see ugliness); disagreeable, unpleasant; mean, hostile, quarrelsome. See unsavoriness, contention. II (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Ill favored] Syn. unsightly, loathsome, hideous, homely,… …   English dictionary for students

  • horror — [[t]hɒ̱rə(r), AM hɔ͟ːr [/t]] ♦♦♦ horrors 1) N UNCOUNT Horror is a feeling of great shock, fear, and worry caused by something extremely unpleasant. I felt numb with horror... As I watched in horror the boat began to power away from me. Syn:… …   English dictionary

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